The plan is titled “Knowledge in Action”.
University president and vice-chancellor, Allister Surette, presented the new plan to a gathering of staff members in Marc Lescarbot Theatre, today, Aug. 20.
The process of developing a new 2019-2024 strategic plan has been underway for over a year.
Throughout its preparation, all of Université Sainte-Anne’s stakeholders and partners were called upon to speak to the challenges ahead, as well as to articulate a shared vision of the institution’s future. This large-scale mobilization gave rise to constructive exchanges with over 120 individuals, which made it possible to establish a broad consensus on the institution’s overall direction, as well as the means required to achieve it.
During his presentation to staff members, Mr. Surette said that “over 95% of the initiatives and projects proposed during the previous strategic plan were achieved, which is a testament to the will to make strategic planning an institutional priority. I am therefore confident that this new strategic plan will provide us with an overall trajectory and forms the basis for the road map that will guide our initiatives and projects for the next 5 years.”
Université Sainte-Anne stresses the exceptional level of commitment and collaboration on the part of the various participants in this consultation process.
The plan was developed by calling on the community’s participation, with consultations with members of the board, the university senate and the teaching staff, as well as the institution’s other staff, the student population, partners and stakeholders in the province’s French-speaking and Acadian community.