A new campaign welcoming Afghan refugees into Nova Scotia’s Acadian and Francophone regions will soon launch.
The Réseau en immigration francophone de la Nouvelle-Écosse have launched a pilot project to attract the refugees to their regions, and to offer support to organizations that want to help.
Coordinator for RIFNE Emmanuel Nahimana says immigrants living in French-speaking areas adapt well.
“I can say, it’s possible. The people are very dynamic, the community has services available to help immigrants, wherever they come from. They are very prepared to have immigrants,” says Nahimana.
Refugees would receive information packages and take part in sessions on the benefits of settling in French-speaking areas.
Nahimana detailed the plan in Clare yesterday, one of 14 regions in Canada taking part in the pilot project.
“Yesterday was the start of National Francophone Week, and it was a great time to talk about immigration in French-speaking areas of Nova Scotia. All immigrants are welcome in our communities.”
Deputy Warden Yvon LeBlanc says there are many benefits of immigration for Clare, and it would be an honour to share their peaceful community with Afghan refugees.
The pilot project will kick into high gear with a web and social media campaign over the next few weeks.