Lobster fishers in southwestern Nova Scotia are ‘gearing’ up their boats.
Dumping Day for fishing areas 33 and 34, which stretches from Digby around to Halifax is scheduled for Monday.
Dan Fleck with the Brazil Rock 33/34 Lobster Association says weather calls with port reps and DFO begin this Friday.
“Any winds greater than 26 knots in any direction within the area, DFO will implement a closure for the day. It’s also possible port reps can open or close it, depending on what is safest for all, as safety is most important,” said Fleck.
If conditions look favourable, it’s possible the fishers could go on Sunday, as DFO has implemented a one day flexibility this year.
Fleck says lobster is around $11 a pound in LFA’s 35-38, and catch rates are good.
“The price is good right now. We’re hoping for that price next week and the catch rates to carry over.”
The last two years in LFA 34, Dumping Day was delayed until the first week of December due to weather.
Thousands of lobster fishers will be on the water, it’s the largest commercial lobster fishery in Canada.