Addison Smith, a talented grade 5 student from Bridgewater Junior High School, is set to make waves at the upcoming Nova Scotia Provincial Heritage Fair. Selected to represent the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Addison’s project titled “March Forward” explores the rich history of Canada’s national police force as it celebrates its 150th Anniversary this year.
Inspired by her father, Cpl. Dan Smith, who serves in the RCMP, Addison chose to delve into the organization’s history for her heritage fair project. Her journey began with a submission to her school’s heritage fair, where she impressed judges and secured a spot at the South Shore Regional Centre for Education Regional Heritage Fair. There, Addison’s project shone once again, earning her a prestigious spot at the highly anticipated Nova Scotia Provincial Heritage Fair.
“I wanted to explore how I fit in with the history of the RCMP, and being the 150th Anniversary made it a special project,” shared Addison enthusiastically. Her dedication and passion for the topic are evident in her comprehensive research and engaging presentation.
At the Nova Scotia Heritage Fair, taking place at Saint Mary’s University in June, Addison will go head-to-head with other talented students from across the province. Her project will offer a captivating insight into the legacy and impact of the RCMP throughout Canada’s history.
As part of her extensive research, Addison had the unique opportunity to interview Acting Commr. Dennis Daley, who serves as head of the Nova Scotia RCMP. This valuable interaction will be featured in Addison’s video submission for the Canada’s History Young Citizen contest, allowing her to share her knowledge with a wider audience and inspire other young minds.
“I was very excited to learn about Addison’s project,” expressed A/Commr. Dennis Daley. “It’s important for youth to learn about history, including that of the national police force, and in turn, it might spark interest in a career with the RCMP.”
Addison’s exceptional dedication, coupled with her keen insight into the RCMP’s legacy, promises an impressive showcase at the Nova Scotia Provincial Heritage Fair. Her participation not only highlights the significance of the RCMP’s 150th Anniversary but also exemplifies the enthusiasm of young Canadians in embracing and preserving their heritage.
The Nova Scotia Heritage Fair serves as a platform to celebrate the diverse history and cultural heritage of the province, fostering a sense of pride and appreciation among participants and visitors alike.