local Strawberries are finished for the season and that means here come the Blueberries !
I love Blueberries, maybe not as much as Strawberries but darn close to it.
Just a little over 4 hour Drive from my home in Yarmouth County would take me to The Blue Berry Capital of Canada . Yes ! Oxford Nova Scotia is considered the wild blueberry capital of Canada as it is centered in a large blueberry growing region. Oxford Frozen Foods Ltd., a wild blueberry processor, is the largest employer in the town, processing up to three million pounds of berries a day during peak season.
For more on Oxford Wild Blueberries CLICK HERE
As a kid I would Rake Blueberries as a summer job to the tune of $5.00 per 10 gallon bucket , had to make sure you had all blue and few to No green berries and as little leaves as possible . It was hard going at times and not so gentile on the back .
10 Proven Health Benefits of Blueberries CLICK HERE
What’s better HIGH or LOW ?
While lowbush wild blueberries are less abundant than the highbush varieties, they are simply more nutritious. Highbush blueberry plants can reach heights as tall as eight feet. … Smaller than the highbush fruit, wild blueberries are exceptionally sweet and have a more intense flavor. They can be harder on the Back to pick because of the excessive bending too .