Good Morning !
Today is April 20th – Translated to 4 20 .
“420” or “Pot Smokers Day”, the unofficial holiday of pot smokers.
‘Four-twenty’ became an emblematic number for pot smokers in the 1970s. It comes from 4:20 pm, the secret ‘burn time’ originated by “The Waldos” — five Northern California men now in their 60s with bad backs and graying hair. Click HERE for the full story .
The Hazy History of ‘420’ Click HERE To Read More .
Marijuana is by far the world’s most lucrative cash crop. It is also #1 based on value per square km, followed by coca (the plant used to make cocaine), and opium poppy. Non-drug related crops, like potatoes, vegetables, and wheat, fall far behind.
Wheat is the most planted cash crop in the world. Sugar cane has the highest yield, and it’s the most popular based on gross yearly production. But neither of those crops are nearly as lucrative as cannabis. Click HERE to read more .
Just so you are aware .. The Boston song ‘Smokin’’ clocks in at 4 minutes, 20 seconds
I have also included some videos for you to check out below .