Professors and Librarians strike at Université Sainte-Anne. Y95 Photo.
An external mediator has been appointed by the province to help resolve the strike at Université Sainte-Anne.
Labour, Skills and Immigration Minister Jill Balser has appointed mediator Michelle Flaherty to resolve the labour dispute between the administration and Association of Professors and Librarians of Université Sainte-Anne.
Balser says after six weeks of striking she feels it’s time to appoint a mediator to help resolve the dispute.
Professors and librarians walked off the job on March 3rd after labour talks with the administration broke down.
The province says the mediator is a former associate professor of law at the University of Ottawa with experience in mediation and arbitration specializing in labour, employment, and human rights matters.
The mediation is non-binding and will begin next Monday.
The association plans to hold a rally tomorrow at Grand Parade in Halifax at 12:30 p.m. before marching to Province House.