I stay up[ really late! Almost too late! Most nights I’ll be up well past 12AM, that is unless I need to get up early! Most of the time though I enjoy staying up late and sleeping in as long as possible! Nighttime is my favorite time of the day. I find I get more work done during the nighttime hours and have less distractions!
That’s just me though! I know other people need their sleep and are morning people! Others could be fans of the middle of the day! For me though it’s got to be nighttime, and I’m not the only one! I found out that one study on this subject found that 20% of people are night owls who enjoying being up through the night! Find out more on that HERE!
So what about you? What’s your favorite time of day? Night? Morning? Evening? The middle of the day? Also let me know why you enjoy that time of day?
Ben Holmes