Every company seems to have their own unique slogan or saying! It helps them stand out and be relevant and it helps people remember who they are! I have a knack of remembering useless information and Ii have always been able to recall brand slogans for some reason! I have a few favorites!
Ben’s Five Fav Brand Slogans
- -Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands (M&Ms.)
- -Eat fresh (Subway)
- – Red Bull gives you wings (Red Bull)
- -It’s time for Tim’s (Tim Hortons)
I don’t know why but those are a few of the many slogans that stand out to me! They’re catchy I guess! Do you have a favorite brand slogan? Why do you like it? Let me know! Call in or comment on our Facebook Page! Check out a full list of iconic slogans HERE!
Ben Holmes