Appointment booking for the COVID-19 vaccine has now opened up to Nova Scotians as young as 12 years old.
The Pfizer vaccine is available to anyone 12 and older, while the Moderna vaccine is accessible to people aged 18 and up. A pause is still in place in Nova Scotia for the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
You can book your appointment online or by calling the toll-free line (1-833-797-7772). Public Health says walk-ins are not allowed and that you should not call the community clinic, pharmacy, or doctor directly.
Mature minors between the ages of 12 to 18 are permitted to access the vaccine without the permission of a parent or guardian in Nova Scotia as there is no minimum age for giving consent for any health care decisions, including immunization.
It’s recommended parents and guardians discuss COVID-19 immunization with their children.
Immunization providers must assess the adolescent’s ability to consent and understand the information given.
Public Health directs those who have questions to consult the “Mature Minor Consent for COVID-19 Immunization Factsheet,” which provides further details about how consent for healthcare for minors works.
There are about 74,760 eligible Nova Scotians in the 12 to 19 age group.