It’s early spring and we have had some very nice, warm days! That’s good for us mostly but it’s also good for flies and mosquitos! We don’t like that, do we? I’ve recently started to see more and more of them. So far blackflies are the only fling pests I’ve seen. They don’t seem to be biting much yet but they are around! Luckily there are a few things you can do to get ready for them this Summer.
How To Keep The Bugs At Bay
- Wear long sleeved clothing
- Wear bug spray or cream
- Install yellow bulbs outside
- Dump out all items that might collect water around your property (Example- Tires, Buckets, Tarps)
- Use Fly Traps
- When outside or in your garden make a homemade bug repeller. These are easy to make and use! Check out the video below to find out more!
you can also check out this great article by the Farmer’s Almanac! It tells you more natural ways to repeal flies HERE. How do you keep the bugs down when you’re outside? Have you noticed any of the blood suckers yet? Call in and talk about it or comment on our Facebook Page!
Ben Holmes