Ok, there are a ton of songs out there that sample each other and when it’s done right and the artists get the right permissions to do it, it can really make a song that much better. Today though, I’m not going to talk about samples. I want to talk about songs that sound a little too similar either by accident or possibly purposely with just a few slight changes. There are way too many examples toi share in one blog but here are a few of my favorite sound alike songs! The originals are on the right and the songs that sound similar are on the left!have a listen. Do they sound alike to you?
See what I mean! There are a ton of songs that sound very similar to others. As I said before most of the time this is an accident or maybe the artist was inspired by another and wanted to kind of do a twist to a classic beat or tune. Sometimes however, the original artist is not impressed and legal action is taken. I think it all depends on how close the song actually sounds, after all there are only so many different notes you can play there is bound to be at least a little overlap. What are some songs that sound really similar to you? Give me a call and let me know or comment on our Facebook Page!
Ben Holmes