I recently discovered a very cool old Eaton’s shopping catalog on my book shelf! It’s the Spring and Summer collection from 1976! Let me tell you flipping through it really is an experience. I’m so used to Amazon showing you a couple pictures of the product you want and listing a bunch of reviews. In a catalog though all the features and details about the product are written in long hand text which is very interesting. I love the thought of picking what you want from a book and sending away the money for it. I know there are some catalogs that still let you do this but most big stores like Eaton’s or Sears have gone out of business and don’t put out flyers anymore at all!

I can remember every year looking in the Sears Wish Book as many people I think did as kids, and circling the things I wanted for Christmas! Now those days are long gone. It’s all online now or of course you can shop local which you should always try and do! What are you thinking? Do you miss ordering from a catalog? Do you still do it? Or do you think online is better, faster and easier? Give me a call! 1800-496-2557 or let me know on our Facebook page!
Ben Holmes