Today the Government of Canada has announced that there will be a full ban beginning next year on all single use plastic materials. That means no more plastic straws, cutlery, plastic grocery bags and anything else that is plastic and used once. This has been coming for awhile now. Many grocery stores have stopped providing plastic bags and most restaurants that I have gone to no longer have straws or have resorted to paper ones. This new plan will be set in effect by the end of 2021 and will bring the country one step closer to our goal of zero plastic waste by 2030!
I personally think that this decision is a huge step in the right direction. The amount of plastic that ends up in our oceans is ridiculous! We’ve really got to start thinking more about that! It’s also good that many business have already phasing out single use plastics because now it won’t be such a shock for us when the complete ban comes into effect. How do you feel about the ban? Will there be certain single plastics that you will miss? Give me a call and we can talk about it! 1800-496-2557! You can also comment on our facebook Page!
Ben Holmes