It’s “9/11 Remembrance Day” (Patriot Day in the U.S.), 19 years ago at 8:46 am EDT, terrorists began the attack on NYC’s World Trade Center using hijacked airliners. The Pentagon in Arlington VA was subsequently targeted, and an attempt by passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93 to retake control of their hijacked plane caused it to crash in a Pennsylvania field, killing all 64 people on board. Patriot Day is in memory of the people killed in the attacks.
It’s “Emergency Number Day”, saluting the direct-dial 9-1-1 emergency system. (In the UK it’s 9-9-9; in Australia 0-0-0, in New Zealand 1-1-1, in much of Europe 1-1-2)
It’s “Hot Cross Buns Day”, a sweet, spiced bun made with currants or raisins and leavened with yeast. As the name suggests, these baked goodies are marked with a cross on the top, which is supposed to symbolize the crucifixion. (Now? I thought they were an ‘Easter’ thing??)
It’s “Make Your Bed Day”, many of us don’t make our beds every morning. Today, start the good habit of making your bed. Once you start, it will make you feel better, and it is also good for your sleep. (Plus, if your spouse is still in there, it’ll drive him/her nuts!)
It’s “No News is Good News Day”, a day to take a break from all the bad news about catastrophes, disasters, crisis and sorrow. It is good opportunity to turn off the news for a while, enjoy the silence and stop thinking about all the bad things.
It’s “I Want to Start My Own Business Day”, if you really want to start your own business, your first step is to write down your goal.