Ok, who doesn’t like chocolate bars! They are probably one of the best candies on earth and there are so many to choose from. The best sellers are below!
The Most Popular Chocolate Bars In Canada
Coffee Chrisp
Caramilk Bar
Big Turk
Mr. Big
Crispy Crunch
Eat- More
Those are the most popular bars bought in Canada apparently, according to Maclean’s-https://www.macleans.ca/society/10-popular-chocolate-bars-sold-in-canada-that-are-next-to-impossible-to-find-in-the-u-s/
All those bars above can not be found in the US, which is really too bad for them! Is your favorite chocolate bar on the list? Mine is a Kit Kat bar or Coffee Crisp bar! What’s your favorite chocolate bar? Let me know on our Facebook page or give me a call!
Ben Holmes