It’s “System Administrator Appreciation Day”, to honor that special person in the office who maintains the computer network. (Today, and today only, remember to try restarting your computer before you bother him/her!)
It’s “Mutts Day”, honoring all dogs of mixed breeds. Purebred owners often view them as lesser in many ways but mutt owners know better!
It’s “Uncommon Instruments Awareness Day”, a celebration of strange musical instruments — such as the bubble organ, fluba, and dulcimer. Check out some REALLY weird ones here …
HERE IS A LINK : http://www.oddee.com/item_98118.aspx
It’s “Cotton Candy Day”, celebrating the sweet, sugary taste-treat that melts in your mouth. It was invented in 1897 as ‘Fairy Floss’, then renamed in 1920. In Greece, Israel, and India it is often referred to as ‘Old Woman’s Hair’. Yuck.
It’s “Raspberry Cake Day”, a whole day dedicated to enjoying raspberries in cake format!
It’s “World Ranger Day”, initiated by the 54 member associations of the International Ranger Federation to celebrate the work rangers do to protect the world’s natural & cultural treasures.
HERE IS A LINK : http://internationalrangers.org/world-ranger-day
It’s “Avocado Day”, it’s not just for delicious guacamole. Targeting insulin resistance with heart-healthy fats and fighting Alzheimer’s with its Omega 3 fatty acids, the avocado also prevents and repairs damage due to its abundance of Vitamins C, E and K. (And apparently makes a fine spread for toast, if you’re a millennial…!)