Every year and really ever week there seems to be a new slang word or term! Now this could be something as simple as a shortened word or a word that you would not expect would be used in that context but it is ever changing! I have a lot of trouble keeping up with all these new terms and I know a lot of others do too.
Here is a list of some older and newer slang words or terms so that you might be more aware when people use them. C/O https://examples.yourdictionary.com/20-examples-of-slang-language.html
2000s slang
BAE: A term of endearment, meaning “before anyone else,” used between romantic partners that can also be used between close friends.
Epic: If somewhat was “epic,” it was highly enjoyable.
Low key: If someone or something is “low key,” it means it’s being done under the radar or they don’t want anyone to know.
On point: Outstanding, perfectly executed.
1980s Slang
Big time: Meaning Yes or for sure.
Psych: Used in the context of stating an untruth and then saying, “Psych!” to take it back
Bite me: An aggressive rejection/ term to tell someone to stop
1970s Slang
Good vibes: Positive energy
Threads: Clothes
Fake me out: Trick me
You can kind of see how over the years each generation and decade kind of borrows slang from the preavious one which is interesting. What slang word or term do you use the most? Let me know on our Facebook Page!
Ben Holmes