” In a world where you can be anything, be kind”. I’ve seen this for so long I’m not even sure where I saw it first. But the one picture I always see in my head when I think of the phrase is from an old Peanuts comic.

I found this one online, but it’s bot the original one that I remember. But at any rate – it’s words I try very hard to live by.
At this time when everyone is feeling everything from uneasy to sheer panic, it’s easy to say the words but forget them when you are actually interacting with people. And by interacting I mean everything from conversations, to the way one shops, to interaction on Social Media.
Oh, Social Media.
Please, be kind. In the way you act and in the way you talk. It takes patience. Sometimes enormous amounts of patients. It also takes empathy, and a realization that everyone is coming from a different place, with a different story. A story that you don’t know.
Be kind.

Yeah I know, another comic. What can i say; I’m a nerd.
I’ll leave you with one more quote from a fictional character I love, Doctor Who:
“Fear doesn’t have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind”