As I said the other day I collect a lot of stuff! Some of it worth something some of it not. I believe though, that our possessions should be kind of ranked on how much they mean to us and not necessarily how much we can get for them. So a prized position does not have to be a fancy expensive or rare item!

Now by prized possessions I mean things, not people! For most people the most important and special things in their lives are their family and friends but what I am talking about is actual artifacts like a special ring or something.
I, for example have quite a few things that are my prized possessions. I have my great grandfathers jack knife which is pretty cool and I also think my record collection is one of my prized possessions as well! So do you have any? Whats an item that you have that you would never get rid of in short, what are your prized possessions? Let me know on our Y95 facebook Page!
Ben Holmes