It seems cancelling the Parade of Lights for Seafest may have been just what was needed to get volunteers interested.
Councillor Steve Berry tells Y95 News he received a number of complaints about the cancellation and was able to get several people to join a committee.
He says they were able to put together a small committee and get the work started, although it was too late to get it back on the Seafest schedule.
“I met with some town officials earlier in the week and we’re hoping for the first week of August that we’d like to revive it and see what we can do with it.”
Berry says they are looking at making it part of a day-long event.
“We’d like to plan a fisherman’s competition during the day and we’d like to have rope splicing, coiling, maybe banding of lobsters, stacking pots, whatnot, kind of a take from the lobster bash from other places around, just make it a full-day event”
The committee will be calling for volunteers soon to organize things for the first week in August.
Reported by Sean MacLellan
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