If you shop at a Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation store in our region next year, don’t be surprised if you’re carded more frequently.
It may depend on how young you look.
In an effort to crack down on the use of fake ID cards, the NSLC has issued an RFP for companies to bid on a contract for the scanner technology.
NSLC spokesperson Beverley Ware says next year it will be mandatory for those who look under 30 to have their identification scanned.
“It will enable our employees to quickly and accurately validate ID cards. It would remove any judgement because as now employees have to manually check ID’s. Also part of the concern is the prevalence of fraudulent ID’s.”
Ware says in 2016, NSLC employees carded customers 1.7 million times.
Only 11,000 of those cases, less than 1 percent, ended in someone being refused a sale.
Ware says the ID scanner technology will be tested in 5 or 6 stores in March, possibly adding additional stores afterwards.
She says there’s no definitive timeline on how the project will be rolled out.
Below is a link to see the RFP: